Sunday, June 12, 2005

Base Server of VHCC is ready

The first step (see Feb. 14th – General Time Frame) has completed.
You can reach the service at
All services are basically preconfigured.

Online Help is available via the start-up page.

A regular backup routine is arranged.

There are 3 main interindependently services available on the server:

  • eGroupWare (GroupWare)

    • Calendar

    • Address book

    • News

    • Forum

    • Project Documentation

    • Trouble Ticket System

    • Knowledge Base

    • Bookmarks

    • Polls

  • Moodle (Online Course Management System/LMS)
    • Teacher/ Student Login

    • Calendar

    • Online Courses

    • Online Testing (several possibilities i.e. multiple choice, direct answer, mathematics, …)

    • File sharing

    • News

  • Simple Machines Forum (Tele Consulting)

    • Different Categories

    • File sharing

    • Chronological Order

    • Private Messaging

  • [Mambo (Content Management System)]- Not in use at present

Please note that each user has to get registered before he can use one of the services. To get an account for “eGroupWare” and “Moodle” please send an E-Mail - to
  1. Marc-Oliver Berndt (, system administrator
  2. or
  3. Dr. Thomas Schrader (, NATO country project director

- that contains:

    • Full name

    • E-Mail address

    • a short statement of grounds

    • a desired user name with a desired password

    • For the “TeleConsulting” you can direct register at the forum itself.

      Marc-Oliver Berndt

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

VHCC - Base Server

The Base-Server is running.

The server is reachable at

The actual groupware tool is eGroupWare, you will find a detailed documentation there - (

In aspect of security no more details of the server configuration will be published.

Now it is important to get your wishes and requirements.
Please send an Email to


Marc-Oliver Berndt

Friday, April 08, 2005

Analysis of System Environment for Videoconference

For the test of various possibilities to realize videoconference it is essential to analyse your system environment:
1. Type of Interent-Connection: DSL (please specify the upload- and download rate - ask your provider)
2. Type of videoconference system: USB-camera, PC or commercial videoconference equipment

Please send the information about the topic to:

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Proposed Case Management Version 1
Thomas Schrader

Monday, March 21, 2005

The first server of the VHCC project. Mr. Berndt is installing the first server software (LAMP & PHProjekt) supervised by Thomas Schrader.
Thomas Schrader

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

The installation process of the VHCC Server is started

Mr. Berndt, student of the University of Applied Sciences of Bremerhaven, started with the installation process of the server. He will write his diploma thesis about this very interesting topic of the setup of a complex medical service using open source software.
The webserver Apache is running now. The other software tools will follow.
For the next time we need your input about your wishes and requirements.

Current project plan M.-O. Berndt (diploma thesis)
Thomas Schrader

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Base Line Project Plan - Shedule of the Project Proposal (has to be modified)
Thomas Schrader

Proposed Team Structure - many open positions
Thomas Schrader

Project Bugdet

First Year: 8000 Euro
Second Year: 8000 Euro

Capital of Georgia and collaboration within this country.
Thomas Schrader

Monday, February 14, 2005

Georgia & Germany
Thomas Schrader

Project Team

Team Members
  1. Thomas Schrader (Project Co‑Director from NATO country)
  2. Mark-Oliver Bernd - Server Administration Germany
  1. Kldiashvili Eka (Project Co-Director from partner country)
  2. Tavzarashvili I.D. - Tblisi
  3. Chkhaidze M.I. - Kutaisi
  4. Shakulashvili N.G. - Kutaisi

General Time Frame

1. First Server installation - March-May 2005
2. Online-Courses using the service May - September 2005
3. Online-Service Teleconsultation static - December 2005
4. Rapport first year December 2005
5. Second Server installation - Jan-March 2006
7. Online - Teleconsultation dynamic (Videoconferences) May 2006
8. Rapport second year December 2006

Major Stakeholders

  1. Georgian Telemedicin Union - GTU, Executive Director: Eka Kldiashvili
  2. Institute of Pathology, University Hospital Berlin Charité, Thomas Schrader
  3. NATO Infrastructure Program

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Project Scope

The topic of this project is the implementation, evaluation and adaptation of telemedicine services for Georgia. The service will consist of
  • a groupware environment for organisational process
  • a eLearning environement for the creation of learning material, courses about the service and medical problems
  • a mail server
  • a tool for video conferences
By implementation of the present project to Georgian health care professionals will be given the effective opportunity to connect with each other and with foreign colleagues by usage of worldwide grid of telemedicine based upon the modern computer technologies and Internet connection. This is the real and effective chance to develop health care sector and raise the level and quality of medical service. By realization of the project it will become reality the connection of two Georgian organizations with each other and also with foreign colleagues.
The Project Deliverables are:
  1. Conception of the Telemedice Service including the anlysis of requirements
  2. Ready-To-Work-Telemedicine server
  3. Status-Report about the connectivity of all team members and collaborating hospitals
  4. Learning material for the use of the service
  5. Status-Report about the video conference modality

Project Objectives are

  • a core team for telemedicine support in the VHCC
  • at least 3 sig's (special interest groups) working regulary
  • at least 3 cases per week discussed by the expert panel of Georgia and Germany
  • at least 10 courses and completed learning material about the service and medical problems.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Virtual Health Care Center

This is the project page of the Virtual Health Care Center.